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These search terms have been highlighted: trackscreen 

Rockbox . Main . TrackScreen
Rockbox . Main . TrackScreen

Track (WPS)


This is the screen shown while playing songs. It is mostly unmodified from what we have today. One major difference is the context sensitive menu though.


Overlay displays (Sub screens)

Key assignments

Keys Push Hold
UP/DOWN volume inc/dec volume inc/dec
RIGHT/LEFT track next/prev search forward/reverse
PLAY play/pause stop
F1 context menu system menu
F2 shuffle on/off repeat on/off
F3 id3 viewer pitch screen
ON other screen choose screen
OFF ???  

(To unlock the keylock => F3 => PLAY on the first option in the list, which then will be the only thing you can do it that menu. When the keylock is enabled, the menu will timeout after N seconds without PLAY being pressed.)

CategoryRockboxUserInterface: Track Screen

----- Revision r1.3 - 01 Jul 2004 - 15:06 GMT - PeterFavrholdt
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